Monday, September 25, 2023

Anti-War Voices

 News has a very distinct point of view that they showcase whenever it is being written for an article or broadcasted on television. This point of view tends to lean in a conservative direction. This includes the ideas about war, a conservative way of thinking is very pro war, among other things. Anything that is slightly off from this set idea, is silenced, ignored and swept under the rug. Especially when it comes to something like being anti-war. War has been so engraved in our society that it seems like there is no other way of thinking. People have been fighting wars for this country for centuries. It is almost as if you are “Anti-America”. What I mean is, if someone is anti-war, they do not appreciate the sacrifices made by American soldiers. Since this country was built on war, they are taking America for granted. The news tends to be the type of media people view the most. Meaning their opinions are shaped heavily by watching the news. So if mainstream news outlets do not shed a light on these other viewpoints, in this case anti-war. Many people will not agree with the sentiment therefore have no desire to go looking for anti-war articles/voices. Since people are not looking for information on anything anti-war. It is not moved to the top of the algorithms on platforms like Google, Bing, etc. This can also include other algorithms like TikTok or Instagram that curate your feed to show you what you are into. So if the majority of people do not have a mindset that is anti-war, it will be buried in the trenches of the internet.

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