Thursday, October 19, 2023

Age of AI

The age of AI is a fascinating one. I’m sure no one thought this would ever be possible hundreds of years ago, but here we are. After watching the video, I realized AI can be very dangerous if put into the wrong hands. While I do think parts of the video were a bit exaggerated, like I don’t think AI robots are going to take every single job away and take over the human race. I do think they will take SOME jobs. But over time I think the jobs humans will do will change, there won’t be a need to be a cashier at a supermarket for example, but there will need to be more jobs based in technology. Of course it will make things more complicated. I think people are expecting AI to take over the world tomorrow and we won’t know how to handle it. That is the energy the video has. And I don’t necessarily agree with that. I think it will be a gradual change, and soon enough it will become a seamless part of our society. It is just another technology like a phone or computer. While yes it can have negative effects on some things, like deep fakes, and worse case scenario, if countries start using it to attack another country. But I don’t think it is all doom and gloom like some people think. The video showcases some positive uses of AI as well. Like the small things like unlocking your phone with your face, and yes chat GPT. Everyone is so focused on the scary and negative sides of something like chat GPT and don’t focus on the good parts of it. The fact that we have something that could write an assignment or whatever you’d want is kind of amazing when you step back and really think about it. Yeah there is always a chance AI could become really dangerous but I don’t think it has enough power to wipe out the human race. (As of now…) 

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