Monday, October 16, 2023

EOTO 2 Reaction

The group I found most interesting was the group who had different theories. I did not know what most of their terms were prior to listening. One term I found interesting was “gatekeeping”. Before listening to the presentation on it, I really only ever thought about the ‘social media’ definition of the word. I really thought it was just social media slang and it didn’t have any political context. The term is actually much more complex than what I originally thought. Another term I learned about that I found fascinating was Illusory Truth Effect. I have heard of the definition of this term but I did not know what the exact meaning was. Also how it differed from confirmation bias. This is a term I am way more familiar with. The two can go hand in hand. After you hear something enough times, you will want to search for things to corroborate the ideas learned through the Illusory Truth Effect. Lastly, unlike the previous terms I mentioned, this one I had no idea about. Overton Window was something I heard for the first time when listening to their presentation. This term is pretty relevant in today’s political climate. Everyone has different things they have inside their own “window”. It seems that everyone is trying to reduce the Overton Window nowadays with the amount of laws that are being passed that undo previous laws. Overall I think this team did a very good job explaining their concepts. And everyone had examples of their topics that made it easy to understand what their presentation was about. Especially since I did not know what some of the topics were prior to listening to their presentation. 

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