Monday, September 18, 2023

EOTO Technology Presentations

Something I found interesting while watching my classmates' presentations, was the fact that pigeons were an option. Today, we know pigeons as dumb birds who walk around New York City and eat crumbs off of the sidewalk. It is cool to think they served more of a purpose at one point in time. I knew that pigeons would carry messages back then because there was no fast mail service. What I did not know is that people thought it would be a good idea to strap a bomb to a live animal and throw them into battle. I really want to know what must have went through a war generals' idea when they thought of doing this. I am also surprised about how they managed to come up with a version they could even test. I am left with a few questions though. Like how did they even make a bomb small enough to strap to the pigeon so that it could still get off the ground to fly? And with the bombs having to be so small because pigeons are not that big, how did they think this was an effective way to fight their battles? 

Back to the initial part of this presentation, the fact that a pigeon is capable of carrying a piece of paper and delivering it somewhere pretty far away is pretty impressive. It does not seem like something that actually happened in our history. A pigeon carrying something seems like something that could only happen in a movie. And I think he and the rest of his group did a great job explaining their topics. I made a mental note of what I should do to make my next presentation more professional and engaging. Overall the group also had a very cohesive look to their slides, they looked like they belonged in one team. 

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